Implementing a Hash Map Data Structure in Python


Hash maps, also known as hash tables or dictionaries, are data structures that provide fast access, insertion, and deletion operations. The basic idea behind a hash map is to use a hash function to map keys to indices in an array, where the corresponding values can be stored. In this blog post, we’ll walk through implementing a simple hash map from scratch in Python.

Hash Map Structure

A hash map is made up of two main components:

  1. Keys: Unique identifiers used to locate data.
  2. Values: The actual data associated with keys.

The key-value pairs are stored in an array, known as “buckets,” and a hash function maps keys to appropriate indices in this array.


Hash Map:
  | 0 | -> | a, 1 |
  | 1 | -> | b, 2 | -> | x, 5 |
  | 2 | -> | c, 3 |
  | 3 | -> | d, 4 |
  | 4 | -> | e, 5 |

In the above representation, the hash map has 5 buckets. Each bucket can contain one or more key-value pairs, connected as linked lists.

Python Implementation

Let’s implement a basic hash map in Python. We’ll use Python lists and custom linked list nodes to implement our hash map.

Node Class

First, we’ll implement a Node class to hold key-value pairs.

class Node:
    def __init__(self, key, val):
        self.key = key
        self.val = val = None

HashMap Class

Now, let’s build the HashMap class with essential functionalities.

class HashMap:
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size = [None] * self.size

    def _hash(self, key):
        return hash(key) % self.size

    def set(self, key, value):
        key_hash = self._hash(key)
        key_value = [key, value]
        if[key_hash] is None:
  [key_hash] = Node(key, value)
            cur_node =[key_hash]
            while cur_node:
                if cur_node.key == key:
                    cur_node.val = value
                if is None:
           = Node(key, value)
                cur_node =

    def get(self, key):
        key_hash = self._hash(key)
        if[key_hash] is not None:
            cur_node =[key_hash]
            while cur_node:
                if cur_node.key == key:
                    return cur_node.val
                cur_node =
        return None

    def delete(self, key):
        key_hash = self._hash(key)
        if[key_hash] is None:
            return False
        cur_node = prev_node =[key_hash]
        while cur_node:
            if cur_node.key == key:
                if cur_node == prev_node:
          [key_hash] =
                return True
            prev_node = cur_node
            cur_node =
        return False

Method Details:

  • set: Adds a new key-value pair to the hash map or updates the value if the key already exists.
  • get: Retrieves the value for a given key.
  • delete: Removes a key-value pair from the hash map.
  • _hash: A simple hash function to calculate the bucket index.

Putting It All Together

Here’s an example of how to use our HashMap class.

# Create a new HashMap
h = HashMap(5)

# Set key-value pairs
h.set("a", 1)
h.set("b", 2)
h.set("c", 3)

# Get values
print(h.get("a"))  # Output: 1
print(h.get("b"))  # Output: 2

# Delete a key-value pair
print(h.delete("a"))  # Output: True
print(h.get("a"))  # Output: None

Using Python’s In-Built Hash Map

Python comes with a built-in hash map implementation in the form of dictionaries. The syntax is extremely user-friendly and the underlying operations are optimized. You can perform all standard operations like inserting a key-value pair, retrieving a value by its key, and deleting a key-value pair.

Here’s a short example:

# Initialize a dictionary
my_dict = {}

# Insert key-value pairs
my_dict['a'] = 1
my_dict['b'] = 2
my_dict['c'] = 3

# Retrieve values
print(my_dict.get('a'))  # Output: 1

# Delete a key-value pair
del my_dict['a']

# Check if key exists
print('a' in my_dict)  # Output: False

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