What is an Algorithm?

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve a particular problem.

Think of it as a recipe in cooking. Just as a recipe provides you with instructions on how to prepare a dish, an algorithm gives you a systematic procedure to get to a solution for a given problem.


Consider a recipe for making tea:

  1. Fill the kettle with water.
  2. Place the kettle on the stove and turn on the heat.
  3. Once boiling, pour the hot water into a cup containing a tea bag.
  4. Let steep for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Remove the tea bag.
  6. Add sugar or milk if desired.
  7. Drink!

Just as there are many ways to prepare tea (and many varieties of tea!), there are often multiple algorithms that can solve a given problem.

However, some might be more efficient than others.

Characteristics of Algorithms

  1. Correctness: An algorithm should produce the correct outputs for any set of inputs.
  2. Efficiency: An algorithm should make optimal use of resources (time, memory).
  3. Finiteness: After a finite number of steps, an algorithm should terminate.
  4. Definiteness: Each step of the algorithm must be precisely defined; the actions to be carried out must be rigorously specified for each case.
  5. Input: An algorithm has zero or more inputs.
  6. Output: An algorithm produces one or more outputs.


Consider a simple maze on paper where the objective is to go from the start to the end.

  • A correct algorithm will always guide you from the start to the end.
  • An efficient algorithm will get you to the end in the least number of steps or the shortest time.
  • A finite algorithm ensures you aren’t stuck in the maze forever.
  • Definiteness means each instruction is clear, e.g., “Turn left,” “Go straight for 10 steps.”
  • Input could be the maze layout and the starting point.
  • Output is the path or the series of steps to get to the end.

Importance of Algorithms

  1. Efficiency: In the digital age, with massive data and limited computing resources, a more efficient algorithm can mean the difference between a task being feasible or impossible.
  2. Problem-solving: Algorithms form the foundation of problem-solving in computer science.
  3. Basis for coding: Once an algorithm is designed, coding becomes a task of translating the algorithm into a computer language.
  4. Predictability: Algorithms ensure predictable outcomes, given the same input.


An algorithm is a foundational concept in computer science. It’s more than just a series of steps; it’s a systematic approach to problem-solving.

By understanding and designing effective algorithms, we can create programs that solve real-world problems efficiently and correctly.

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